Charles Schumann

I have walked through the the Hofgarten in Munich many times with my camera and, when he’s sitting out the back, asked Mr Schumann if I could take his portrait. He always said no, “Es gibt schon zu viele Bilder von mir auf der Welt”. Last month I walked past and asked the same question again expecting the same answer, but this time, surprisingly, he said yes. Although, no sooner had I squeezed off two frames, he said, “genug, that’s enough” giving me the cut sign. So finally I achieved my goal of taking a black and white portrait of the bar world legend. Thank you Mr Schumann, I salute you.

The camera I had with me that day was my trusty old Leica M6 with Ilford Kentmere 400 film, developed in Rodinal, 35mm frames cropped square.

Mr Schumann in the Hofgarten, Munich, August 2024.

Shoes & Hand.  Mr Schumann, Hofgarten, August 2024.

